The Top 17 Tips For Moving Into Your First House

Jun 9, 2018


Congratulations on your decision to move into your first house! Parkview Real Estate, your trusted partner in the real estate industry, is here to provide you with valuable tips to ensure a smooth and successful transition to your new home.

1. Create a Moving Checklist

Start your moving journey by creating a detailed checklist. This will help you stay organized and prioritize tasks such as packing, hiring movers, transferring utilities, and updating your address.

2. Set a Realistic Budget

Before diving into the moving process, establish a realistic budget. Consider expenses such as hiring movers, purchasing packing supplies, and potential maintenance costs for your new house.

3. Declutter & Donate

Prioritize decluttering your belongings before packing. Donate or discard items you no longer need or use. This not only reduces the number of items to move but also helps those in need.

4. Pack Room by Room

To avoid chaos, pack your belongings room by room. Clearly label each box with its contents and the designated room in your new house. This will make unpacking a breeze.

5. Research Local Service Providers

Research and compile a list of reliable service providers in your new area. This includes doctors, dentists, electricians, plumbers, and other professionals you may need in the future.

6. Notify Important Parties

Inform important parties, such as your employer, insurance company, and financial institutions, about your change of address. This ensures important documents and communication reach you promptly.

7. Transfer or Set Up Utilities

Coordinate with utility companies to transfer or set up essential services such as electricity, water, internet, and cable before moving into your new house. This guarantees a seamless transition.

8. Change Locks & Update Security

For peace of mind, change the locks on your new house. Consider upgrading the security system to ensure the safety of your family and belongings.

9. Measure Furniture & Plan Layout

Measure your furniture and plan the layout of your new house. This will help you determine which pieces fit and where, optimizing your new living space.

10. Pack an Essentials Box

Prepare an essentials box containing everyday items such as toiletries, prescriptions, and a change of clothes. This will ensure you have immediate access to necessary items upon moving in.

11. Research the Neighborhood

Before moving, research your new neighborhood. Familiarize yourself with local amenities, schools, parks, and transportation options. This will help you settle into your new community.

12. Arrange for Child & Pet Care

If you have children or pets, make arrangements for their care on moving day. This will minimize stress and distractions, allowing you to focus on the moving process.

13. Pack an "Open First" Box

Pack a separate box labeled "Open First" containing essentials like basic kitchenware, bedding, and important documents. This box will be the first you unpack, ensuring immediate comfort in your new house.

14. Take Inventory

Before and after the move, take inventory of your belongings. This helps in case of damage or loss, and allows you to track everything accurately during the moving process.

15. Consider Home Insurance

Protect your new investment by considering home insurance. Research different policies and choose one that suits your needs, providing peace of mind and financial security.

16. Join Local Community Groups

Immerse yourself in your new community by joining local groups or organizations. This allows you to meet new people, make friends, and feel more connected to your surroundings.

17. Take Care of Yourself

Moving can be overwhelming, so remember to take care of yourself. Stay hydrated, get enough rest, and take breaks when needed. Self-care contributes to a smooth transition and a positive moving experience.


Moving into your first house is an exciting milestone. By following these 17 tips provided by Parkview Real Estate, you can ensure a seamless, stress-free, and successful transition to your new home. Congratulations on this new chapter in your life!

Preeti Garg
Thanks for the helpful tips! Moving into my first house soon, feeling excited!
Nov 8, 2023
Jarco Bruin
These tips will surely make the moving process smoother for anyone venturing into homeownership. Well done!
Oct 31, 2023
Jupira Leandro
Seriously, I wish I had read this article before I moved. It would have saved me so much hassle!
Oct 27, 2023
Gina Ihinger
The tip about labeling boxes is so simple yet effective. It's the little things that count.
Oct 8, 2023
Sonette Benson
Moving can be a challenge, but these tips make it seem less daunting. Thanks!
Sep 19, 2023
James Kelleher
Creating a moving checklist is a must! It helps to stay organized and reduces stress.
Mar 16, 2023
Blake Leribeus
Good advice on creating an essentials box for the first day in the new house. It's those small details that make a big difference.
Jan 21, 2023
Paul Gosnell
The tip about labeling boxes for easy unpacking is a game-changer. It saves so much time and hassle.
Jan 15, 2023
Darlene Berkel
The packing tips are so practical. I'll be sure to use them when I move into my new house next month.
Dec 26, 2022
Sharon May
I love that the article emphasizes the importance of self-care during the moving process. It's a gentle reminder to take care of oneself amidst the chaos.
Dec 23, 2022
The tip about organizing important documents is a wise suggestion. It's important to have everything in one place during a move.
Dec 11, 2022
Art Manni
Moving can be stressful, but these tips are empowering. It's comforting to have a roadmap to follow.
Sep 27, 2022
Adam Lucas
I like how the article emphasizes the importance of taking breaks during the move. Self-care should not be overlooked during such a busy time.
Sep 25, 2022
Rick Burkhart
These tips are practical and easy to follow. It's reassuring to have a guide for such a significant life event.
Sep 15, 2022
Brad Lyon
Great tips for first-time homebuyers! Thanks for sharing.
Sep 8, 2022
Mstislav Pakhomov
The section on decluttering is crucial. It's amazing how much stuff accumulates over time!
Mar 1, 2022
Sacred Cafe
I love how these tips cover everything from packing to settling in. It's a comprehensive guide for first-time homeowners.
Feb 14, 2022
Linda Lubecke
Moving into your first house can be overwhelming, so having a checklist to follow will make the process a lot smoother.
Jan 2, 2022
Mike Lemay
The emphasis on decluttering is spot on. It's a great way to start fresh in a new home.
Nov 24, 2021
Antonella Saravia
These tips are invaluable for those stepping into homeownership for the first time. Kudos!
Nov 1, 2021
Eswari Panchal
I'll be sure to keep these tips in mind when I move into my first house. Thank you for the valuable advice!
Oct 27, 2021
Jason Heidema
The tip about informing utility companies in advance is a good reminder. It's important to have everything ready on moving day.
Aug 27, 2021
Martin Bruno
These tips are so helpful! It makes the moving process less daunting knowing what to expect.
Aug 14, 2021
Add Email
Great tips for first-time homebuyers! This checklist will definitely come in handy. ?
Aug 10, 2021
Sergei Tolmachev
The step-by-step breakdown of the moving process is invaluable. It makes the whole experience seem less daunting.
Jul 19, 2021
Broderick Thomas
I appreciate the advice about having a first aid kit handy. Safety should always come first, especially in a new environment.
May 5, 2021
Marlene Alivat
I appreciate the detailed tips provided. It's reassuring to have a reliable source like Parkview Real Estate for guidance.
Apr 28, 2021
Don Arboleda
These tips couldn't have come at a better time, as I'm preparing for my own move. Thank you for the helpful guidance.
Mar 27, 2021
Mark Wilkin
The tip about notifying important parties of your address change is often overlooked. Thanks for the reminder!
Mar 15, 2021
Nate Peterson
Decluttering before a move is essential. It's amazing how much unnecessary stuff one can accumulate.
Mar 5, 2021
Barry Berkowitz
Great tips! Moving can be overwhelming, so having a checklist really helps to stay organized.
Jan 2, 2021
Michael O'Hara
Excellent tips! As a soon-to-be first-time homeowner, I feel much more prepared after reading this article. Thank you!
Nov 22, 2020
Khalil Diab
Kudos to Parkview Real Estate for providing such practical and helpful tips for first-time home movers. Much appreciated!
Nov 17, 2020
Jos Leeuwen
I appreciate the practical advice. Moving can be overwhelming, so these tips are helpful.
Nov 8, 2020
Regan Marshall
I appreciate the detailed advice. It's important to plan ahead and take the necessary steps for a smooth transition.
Sep 14, 2020
Andrew Wood
I never thought about the need for extra moving supplies, but it makes complete sense. Thanks for the heads up!
Jul 23, 2020
Robert Prien
I'm bookmarking this article for my upcoming move. It's like a moving guidebook!
Apr 28, 2020
Margo Redden
The tip about preparing your new home before the move is so often overlooked. This article covers all the bases.
Nov 27, 2019
Jen Petersen
The advice on hiring professional movers is something I'll definitely consider. It's worth the investment for a stress-free move.
Oct 9, 2019
Wes Johnson
The part about changing locks and creating spare keys is something I hadn't considered. Thanks for the heads-up!
Oct 3, 2019
Cyril Cyril
Moving into a first house can be overwhelming, but these tips definitely help to ease the process. Thanks a bunch!
Jun 30, 2019
Carl Schaper
The tip about changing locks for security is often forgotten in the chaos of moving. It's a crucial detail to remember.
Jun 6, 2019
Pur Wanto
Thank you for these practical tips. I'll definitely be using them when I move into my first house next month!
May 8, 2019
Estudio Click
Planning the layout of the new house is crucial. It's a tip that's often overlooked, but important for a functional space.
Apr 9, 2019
Ming-I Peng
The tip about exploring the neighborhood is something I hadn't considered, but it's a great way to feel more at home in a new area.
Feb 23, 2019
Ray Ray
Thanks for highlighting the importance of labeling boxes. It's a simple step that can save a lot of time and hassle.
Feb 18, 2019
Ruud Bolle
I never thought about the significance of notifying utilities and updating addresses. These reminders are valuable.
Feb 14, 2019
Dana Ross
As a first-time homeowner, I found this article to be a treasure trove of useful information. Thank you!
Nov 5, 2018
Autum Nickens
I didn't realize the importance of decluttering before a move. Thanks for the reminder!
Sep 19, 2018
Steve Rosenblum
These tips are a great blend of practical advice and thoughtful considerations. Moving doesn't seem as daunting with this guidance.
Sep 6, 2018
Chie Fujisaki
The article covers everything from the physical aspects of moving to the emotional adjustments. It's a well-rounded guide for new homeowners.
Jul 27, 2018
Lindsay Hebert
The article covers everything a first-time homeowner needs to know about the moving process. Kudos to Parkview Real Estate for the comprehensive tips.
Jul 26, 2018
Marc Rubino
I love that these tips cover everything from budgeting to settling into a new neighborhood. Well-rounded advice!
Jun 28, 2018
Yess Padilla
I like how these tips are easy to apply and don't require extravagant measures. Practical and effective!
Jun 11, 2018